"Now if you are going to win any battle you have to do one thing. You have to make the mind run the body. Never let the body tell the mind what to do. The body will always give up. It is always tired in the morning, noon, and night. But the body is never tired if the mind is not tired." - George S. Patton

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pre-Race Tips

Oh man. The Rock and Roll Half Marathon is approaching so quickly. I have barely 3 days until I am going to push my body as hard as it has ever been pushed. I don't have a trainer, so I am reading article after article after article until I am cross-eyed.

So I ask all of you animalistic half-marathon veterans... what are some important things to remember before race day to better prepare myself? What is the best advice you can give me? How do I get rid of this God awful armpit rash?

Sorry. Too many carbs today. This post is about my blogging limit.


  1. I found you over at Runner's World!

    I've done 2 half marathons in the past 2 years, and my biggest piece of advice is to relax. You've worked your butt off to get this far - the race is the time to enjoy everything. The starting line will feel so strange. Make sure you line up at a pace 1-2 minutes slower than your goal. You don't want to start off too fast and be out of steam by mile 5.

    Enjoy yourself as much as you can out on the course. You've done everything you can, training wise.

    As for last minute prep, you should know by now which foods your body reacts to the best. Drink at every water stop - you aren't going to have to stop to use the bathroom since you'll be sweating out all that water anyway :)

    Again, the best advice I can give is to just relax and enjoy it. Crossing the finish line and getting your medal will be such an amazing feeling. Just remember how good that can feel if you hit any roadblocks during the race.

    Good luck!

  2. Your blog is just what I need right now! You are amazing!! Good luck on your half-marathon--I will be anxiously waiting to see how it goes. If you get a chance, I would love your thoughts on my blog www.iamabeginnerrunner.blogspot.com. I also started running for weight loss and decided to focus on running to set a different goal. I am considering (and trembling at the thought of) a half-marathon in October.
    Anyway, I'm so glad I found you! (on Runner's World also) Keep up the good work--you are an inspiration to me!

  3. I'm doing my first 1/2 marathon this weekend too... boy my nerves are high! I also started running to lose weight and set my sights on a 1/2 marathon as my goal. I've lost 53# and doing my 1/2... holy cow! Good for you for keeping track of your progress, I wish I would have kept my thoughts down somewhere!

  4. Thank you so much, Jennifer for the sweet words. I have been dead since the half on saturday, but I did finish and will have an update soon! I can' wait to read your blog!

    Kris, you sound exactly like me.. I have also lost 53 lbs.. but hav a little more to go. Let me know how our race went. It's so fun, isn't it?? Do you see a full in the future?
